The 7 Best Minimalist Backpacks
For your Commute

drcommute • August, 2021

Dear commuter,
let’s talk about backpacks. As a commuter myself a good backpack is one of the most important if not “THE” most important essential you will need to purchase to ensure a comfortable and smooth commute. It is well known that commuting times are on the rise, so check out this selection for the 7 best backpacks for your commute and let us know what you think.
There is a wide range of options for every taste, budget and that adjusts to your priorities as a commuter. Nonetheless, you need to make sure that the backpack is properly adjusted to prevent fatigue and injury. Something that we will discuss in another post.
This post is mainly focused on the commuter that walks, uses the car or public transports. Commuters that run or cycle to work may want to invest in a backpack that is targeted to their needs.
If I could design my backpack it would be
On a side note, I didn’t have the opportunity to review each product physically but through meticulous research combined with other commuters’ reviews and personal preferences. Hopefully you will find this selection helpful in your search for your perfect commuter backpack. Let me know what you think!
- Moleskine – Classic Match Round Top Backpack
- STUBBLE & CO – The Commuter
- RAINS – Backpack
- Kapten & Son – Aarhus
- Horizn Studios – Gion
- Bellroy – Classic Backpack
- Fjällräven – Kånken Laptop 15”
The Chosen Ones
“In France, these notebooks are known as carnets moleskines: ‘moleskine’, in this case, being its black oilcloth binding. Each time I went to Paris, I would buy a fresh supply from a papeterie in the Rue de PAncienne Comedie. The pages were squared and the end-papers held in place with an elastic band. I had numbered them in series. I wrote my name and address on the front page, offering a reward to the finder. To lose a passport was the least of one’s worries: to lose a notebook was a catastrophe…”
“Some months before I left for Australia, the owner of the papeterie said that the vrai moleskine was getting harder and harder to get.”
The Songlines by Chatwin, Bruce, 1940-1989
Founded in 1997 by Francesco Fransceschi, based in Milan the company was known at the time as Modo & Modo. These unique and lush notebooks were brought back to life and trademarked as the today known Moleskine brand. An idea that was pitched at the time by the co-founder Maria Sebregondi.
“Refined style, long-term durability and exceptional quality are extremely important to us. We have tirelessly tested every feature, detail and dimension to ensure the greatest functionality and highest quality for you.
Benjamin and Victoria Watkins, Stubble&Co
Founded by Benjamin and Victoria Watkins, this British based brand was brought to life in the pursuit of creating high quality design at an accessible price. Benjamin couldn’t find the best of both worlds so decided to just design one. It is clear the dedication and love they’ve put into building this legacy together.
“With every collection, we set out to challenge traditional notions of rainwear and prove that even in wet weather there’s an opportunity to display your personal style..
Lotko, Co-founder of Rains
Founded in 2012 by Philip Lotko and Daniel Brix, this Danish company has its beautiful logo influenced by the Scandinavian weather. From their first waterproof poncho to an elegant waterproof style, ranging from clothing to backpacks. This brand combines a timeless minimalist design with high-quality materials during challenging weather conditions.
““Kapten” is Swedish for “Captain”, a person which leads the right course and perfectly represents our values.
Kapten & Son
Founded in 2014 by Fabian Deventer, Johannes Theobald, and Artjem Weissbeck, this company based in Germany started by selling lush watches. Nowadays Kapten & Son have expanded worldwide and offer accessories that combine amazing design with cutting-edge precision.
” Thriving on curiosity, creativity, and collaboration, we design smart luggage, backpacks, and accessories both for your daily commute and your future long-haul trips.
Horizn Founders
Founded in 2015 by Jan Roosen and Stefan Holwe, this Berlin based company is conquering the World by incorporating minimalist elegant design with digital innovation focusing on the needs of our new generation of commuters. Have a look at their best-selling smart luggage.
” In 2009, we thought Bellroy would be a bag brand. I had spent my youth seeking adventures around the globe, but like many co-travelers, was constantly frustrated by the bags I carried. With products designed for simple concepts of travel, I was met with friction, failure and the feeling that my stuff was holding me back.
So, I started talking to some friends and family about the sort of brand that would get us excited. One that could solve some of the problems we were experiencing over and over.
Andrew Fallshaw
Founded in 2009 by by designers Andrew Fallshaw and Hadrien Monloup, and engineers Lina Calabria and Matthew Fallshaw, this Australian based company is an amazing and inspiring brand. A family brand that transpires a steady growth based on belief, discipline and resilience that is reflected on the outstanding design of their products.
” Enabling and inspiring more people to experience nature was Åke’s vision and we now make it our mission. Nature is in our DNA. We simply can’t deviate from it. Without it, we’d be nothing. It is our past, present and future. It’s our forever.
Founded in 1960 by Åke Nordin this Swedish based company is an incredible story about how a child imagined and created his first wooden frame backpack in his parent’s basement. The search for a light, comfortable and reasonable size backpack for his adventurous personality gave Åke the vision to create a range of backpacks that are known globally today. Offering everyone the opportunity to share his dream with nature.
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